this was for reading class. they read a book each quarter then have to do a powerpoint presentation, a written critique and creative part (like a diorama or anything really - he could have done an interpretive dance, whittled a figurine, done a puppet show, made a costume, anything lol) So, i tried to help him get organized with the powerpoint, so he could lay it out and do a few slides each night. the written part was short but he wanted no part of it and left that for last minute, the creative part was of no interest to him. he chose to do a diorama and he came up with a creative idea and he gave it one sitting 2 weeks ago, got a good start then wouldn't touch it again. He did a good of finishing up the powerpoint last night then got up early and finished the written part & diorama. I can;t really complain. I am just kind of confused :|

Honestly, he liked the book and has no issue with presenting in front of a group. He's very good at that actually. he knows how to use powerpoint better than me. he has great comprehension, and a high reading level. The diorama came out great. i felt the written part was lacking but he met the requirements on the rubric and it was not weighted very heavily anyway (he said why bother if it's only worth 10 points!) the only thing you can get out of these projects, imho, is learning the process of doing these types of projects so if you don't learn time management and blow it off what's the point?