Originally Posted by mich
I just don't understand how my son got such a gigantic dose of dyslexia - the genes from each side of the family must have come together in a very big way.

My sister's son has dysgraphia but aside from that there is not a single soul in either of our families who have had similar problems in school. I have been reading 'Overcoming Dyslexia' and the author suggested that it might be better to think of it as a 'trait' in that the DNA will be passed on but it's activation, or degree of activation, depends on other factors like perinatal incidents and environment. My DH wants to blame it on her prematurity and birth trauma. I can't even go there because I still have PTSD from her birth and I just can't add another level of guilt to it. I spoke briefly with one of our neonatalogists in the hall at work last week (he is our follow-up guru and also the one who cared for DD) and told him of DD's diagnosis. He offered to pull his stats about dyslexia from our local population of prems for me, but he agrees that there is almost always a family history involved.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery