We have been on the dyslexia journey about 4 months now. DS9 fits the definition of Stealth Dyslexia and received his official diagnosis of dyslexia just before the end of the school year last year. I spent the entire summer reading everything I could get my hands on about dyslexia. I'm at work right now and the names of the specific books are currently escaping me. I just finished the Dyslexic Advantage, which was fabulous.

I feel (as does DS) so much better knowing what has been "wrong" all of these years. DS was also lumped into the "lazy and unmotivated" camp by myself and his teachers. This year is so much better. For example, he can't name the months of the year in order. Last year I would have been at my wits end, getting on his case for not trying hard enough....I mean, really, he has an IQ of 140, but can't name the months of the year? Well, sequencing turns out to be a huge problem for people with dylexia. This is just a small example of how I "see" things better now.

We are working with a private OG tutor (we're in the States). It seems to be helping, but we are only about a month in. I'd love to stay in touch with you, so we can be a resource to each other through this journey. PM me if you need anything.