Originally Posted by kathleen'smum
It has been a bit of an emotional weekend, fraught with a lot of guilt on our part. I just keep thinking about what her school day must be like.... she can't pay attention because of the ADHD, she can't write very well because of the dyslexia, and she is bored out of her skull because she already knows what she is learning, but won't be accelerated until she can show her teacher what she know, which she can't! And I ride her case at home every day over homework and give her grief for not 'trying hard enough'. I just hope it is not too late to save her motivation and love of learning.

Try not to feel guilty. You are doing a great job! Your DD sounds pretty complicated, and its not surprising it took you a couple of years to figure out everything that's going on.

I am Canadian (Quebec) too and my youngest (DS7) has dyspraxia/dysgraphia and some degree of dyslexia. His issues are mostly with rapid naming and visual perception/discrimination. We worked with a SLP for about 8 months using a multisensory approach for reading. It has been very helpful.

Good luck.

Last edited by Verona; 09/25/11 02:50 PM.