We met with DD9's psychologist today and she has been diagnosed with dyslexia. DD was very relieved to know that her struggles have a name and that she is not just 'lazy and dumb like everyone thinks'.

We have to wait until next week to speak with her school, but have been warned that the resources within the school board are dismal for dyslexic kids in our province. The psych suggested a local tutoring program that uses the Orton-Gillingham approach. They have a one year waiting list (it is charitably funded). We haven't even begun to look for other resources yet. I did some light reading about dyslexia over the summer, but I am feeling a little overwhelmed tonight.

I know there have been a lot of threads about dyslexia in the past, but my quick search only found one. If you have a few spare minutes and a story to share or resources/books to suggest, I would be so grateful.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery