DS14 has dyslexia and Central Auditory Processing Disorder. In his case, rapid naming, working memory and problems associating symbols with sounds seem to be at the root of his problems. We are in Ontario. He was in a very small school with few special education resources which still taught using whole language when he was in grade 1. It didn't work at all for him, and we switched his school for grade 2.

We used a private tutoring company called the Oxford Learning Centre for 18 months when he was 6 and a half. They did intensive phonics tutoring with him twice a week for an hour at a time. At the end of the 18 months, he went up from a kindergarten level reader to reading chapter books. This company was very expensive for us, but we thought it was worth it.

If you don't have access to a similar private tutoring company, you could buy the phonics workbooks and see if tutoring your daughter yourself helps her. I guess it depends on the cause of her dyslexia.

We think he fits the profile of a stealth dyslexic now, see http://dyslexicadvantage.com/ for a definition. He reads well and quickly when he reads silently, but still skips over the small words when he reads out loud. He was tested by a developmental optometrist, and has jerky tracking. We remediated somewhat with a simple exercise done at home, but probably should spend more time on it.

Spelling is still a huge issue, but he has a laptop for school use, which fixes most of the errors for him as long as he uses it, which is still a struggle. I hope some of this is helpful for you.


Last edited by DMA; 09/25/11 07:01 AM.