Originally Posted by Jtjt
I have a son who is 6 and PG. If we had a school for PG kids in our area, there is no doubt he would go there. Not only for the educational aspect, but mainly for the social aspect. We suppplement his education at home to meet his educational needs. It would be beyond wonderful for DS to have true peers. I would like nothing more than to find another 6 year old who shares his interests.

Hmm, DS10 has few "true peers" at school but now that we are getting to middle school I see the PG kids starting to find each other. It's actually amazing.

Originally Posted by Jtjt
I am sorry for going off into a tangent, but what age do some PG kids level off? Does this vary also?

what does this mean? why would a kid "level off"? is that when they are so bored and disengaged from lack of an interesteding, challenging school program that they just stop? I can't imagine a PG kid ever stopping.

I've heard parents of non-gifted kids say things like, "well, they all level off by 3rd grade" Huh?

Well, we've only done gifted schools for PG DS10. Starting with pre-k. He just was too "out there" to be accommodated in a mainstream school and too asynchronous to fit in with the mainstream kids.

I wish we had a PG school option with a high cutoff but things are going very well for him here. We are in our 2nd year at this new school, it's a 130 cutoff but such a better program then the one we left (which was private, big bux and attracted the hothouse crowd)