One issue with pg/eg kids is that you don't know how they are going to respond in an academic environment and school setting until they are placed in one.

My 5.5 DS was born with special needs (attn and visual processing issues) and was in special needs preschools until last Sep when he started to read and write 3-, 4-, 5-letter words. I knew he was bright but that was it. I then put him in a gifted school in MA since MA doesn't offer any g & t programs and I knew he was quite bored in the special needs preschool and needed more.

Within 2-3 months of being at the gifted school, my ds completed the pre-k/k/1st grade curriculum. I was told that he might be pg/eg and that the gifted school could no longer accommodate him so we pulled my ds and put him in another gifted school - which is an open/unstructured/mixed age one-room type schoolhouse situation.

At the first gifted school, my son really resisted the teacher-driven, traditional - subject based approach to school. He resisted the drill and kill. He is a visual spatial learner and this particular school had a lot of verbal kids so he didn't fit in socially.

At the second gifted school, it is intrinsically-motivated and more flexible. My son's school has 34 kids between pre-k and 8th grade with 3 teachers. It is private and expensive but we were left with few options in MA.

Yesterday, I got the verbal results from a neuropsych test we had on our son. I'm still grappling with what happened, what level my son is operating on, and appropriate educational placement.

My son is not a typical eg/pg kid if there is one, but I think if you read a lot about giftedness you'd find there is quite a range and my son seems to fit within this range. Asynchronous development, intensity, anxiety, attention issues, etc., are not usual for this population.

One warning, the phenomenal speed at which eg/pg kids pick up knowledge or process visual or written information is staggering. It seems like they take great gulps at time. They can be quite intense at times, or at least mine can, but what a journey it is!!!