Hi Amber!
It is GREAT to hear about your DS and yes ...commiserate! I am really active in our MOMS Club here and it's hard not being able to talk to all our IRL friends about the struggles they don't understand.
Waiting on the WISC has been where I've been toying with things for DYS... I need to see how school goes to know if I need help NOW

...we haven't really done school yet (I don't count preschool as the purpose was mostly social). When I started thinking about it, I do have some things for a portfolio--like when he was asked to draw a person and he drew a woman with 3 "baby sacks" and babies inside her tummy and lines for the "blood paths". This was as a young 4.
We did have MAJOR handwriting problems. He wasn't writing ANY letters except O and X for most of the year. I ordered Handwriting Without Tears and in a month he was making recognizable letters. It was beautiful! I was so amazed, I took the HWT instructor workshops and started tutoring other kids too. His teacher was blown away by the change and encouraged me to order business cards to share with her other parents.
OT wasn't very helpful for us. I hope you have seen better results from yours. Does your son have a physical issue such as muscle weakness?