Hi! I am new and have questions about applying to DYS (mainly :)).

We are missing the cutoff for Verbal by a tad on the WPPSI for DYS. What would you all advise? I know he must be 5 to apply.

Should we wait until he can take a WISC so we can get a more realistic number for those subtests where we had ceiling issues? Should we retest next year with another WPPSI? I'm unsure of what we would include in a portfolio to go that route.

On the otherhand are his scores just too low on the IQ test meaning he is likely not PG and we should enjoy the other resources like the Forums here instead?

He is our first child and it has been difficult to know what we have and how to handle situations that keep coming up already (like teachers complaining he's distracted and him complaining he is bored and doesn't want to be there).

We have only begun taking "gifted programs" this summer and already I am feeling that even in this identified population we still don't quite seem to fit and he sometimes gets bored.

Glad for any advice or words of wisdom from you more experienced parents.

Last edited by HappilyMom; 04/26/13 12:39 PM.