IMHO for the money they need to produce some results. For the OT experience we had, I wished they had done pre- and post-testing to show they were accomplishing something. For the cost of it, I generally felt it was worthless. (Not to say it is this way for everyone but it wasn't really working for us.)
When I did HWT, I just ordered some items off the website--pretty affordable prices. I could kick myself for money wasted on OT that really wasn't needed in our case. After I did HWT with him just a few times, I realized that for my son it was really more conceptual and muscle memory that he needed. He'd been taught poorly, in a non-developmentally appropriate format and in a way that made him feel like a failure. When I did HWT w him, he made the letter successfully (even to his perfectionistic eyes) several times before he wrote it the first time... it set him up for success and it was fun--he would even ask to do lessons. He loved it and was so proud of what he could do.
Hopefully I'm not beating a dead horse here but it was such a wonderful thing for my kiddo that I get really excited talking about it. If you feel the same about your OT, you might check it out. I'd say for less than an OT session you might be able to "cure" him with HWT.