Originally Posted by HappilyMom
:)Oh...? I'm not sure which thing you are referring to with 45 min program Grinity.
I meant the school that was 45 minutes away - sorry!

It think it's great that you are taking the HWT training - there is a huge need to do handwriting practice with gifted kids! I bought 'The print tool' and have had success with 2 gifted kids in having them analyse their own handwriting using it's tools. I wonder if you can eventually do this over skype and be availible to all gifted kids with handwriting issues everywhere?

DS15 wasn't generally have many perfectionistic behavior - the writing and drawing was an exception. With him is was 'behavior issues' that signaled by 2nd grade that 'something had to be done.'

I don't think that there is a downside to applying to DYS at age 5 - I think most families don't do it because it's hard to realize that the child's issues are connected to high LOG giftedness at such a young age. Easier now with the Internet, if one is looking.

When I was growing up, giftedness was assumed in our family. I didn't understand that LOG could make such a difference.

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com