I'm in the same exact boat, so I'll tell you our story.

My DS is also 4.5 and scored very similar to yours. He also got a 147 on the wppsi verbal, but his full scale was a couple points lower. Our gifted school is also quite a drive, but it would be the only option besides homeschooling. He was accepted for early kindergarten there, which is all day, 5 days a week. He would still need acceleration or differentiation there, as his strength is reading, and he is at least at a 4th grade level now.
We also have the added issue of many food allergies. This, along with the long days, plus a long commute are causing me to lean towards homeschooling, at least for k. We have a week left to decide, still not sure what to do.
Hopefully your school will grade skip your DS to k once they see him in action.
As far as DYS, we have achievement numbers but not the iq numbers, that pesky 150! Anyways, we are going to wait until 6 and test with the wisc, and apply then if the numbers are there. If not, we'll see how much we have for a portfolio, as we have nothing concrete right now. Mine also doesn't write well, and is in OT.
I'm not sure this was is any way helpful, but at least we can commiserate. Lol!