okay...I couldn't agree MORE with waiting until the child is ready! At 4 and 5, my now 9 year old WOULD NOT let anyone touch her in the pool for lessons. She didn't throw a fit, just wouldn't comply with anyone touching her. SHE had to be in control. The teachers just played with her in the water. By the end of age 5, she was willing to put her head under for a prize...but only if SHE did it. And she got the prize from me! We made a big thing out of her small improvements. At 6, she still wasn't that big on going under, but with goggles, she was willing...AND she HAD to be in the small pool. The big pool had an area that was over her head and it made her nervous to leave the wall. The teacher realized this, and put her in th 3 ft pool that was even all around. She immediately swam. Once she realized that she had fun swimming, her fears became less and less.

The more fun the pool was, the less worried she was.
Last summer, at 8, she could jump in the deep end and touch the bottom of the pool. She can swim and back float. She STILL has trouble going under...and a good fitting pair of goggles is a must. She always takes them off and dries them every few minutes...but, I know that this too shall pass! WAIT until he is ready. Bring him to watch other happy kids swimming. Tell him that he can join the some day, when he is older. Or try restricting him to only being allowed to use a floaty...He might try to prove you wrong.

In any case, if he sees other children having fun. And You maybe have fun...he might chose to join you on his own free will. Completely ignore him!

The completely ignoring thing worked for my daughter at 5. She was scared to death of dogs...big and small. So, we visited a pet store. DH and younger daughter, and I made such a fuss over this little puppy...OH! IT's soooo cute! Can I hold it?! Oh! We just LOVE him!...Anytime DD5 talked we ignored her for the puppy. I swear...20 minutes later, she asked to hold it!

Try it! Its crazy...but it works...with swimming, it won't be 20 minutes...maybe more like 6 weeks, but when he feels like he is missing out...he will want to join too!