I know that this may not have anything to do with gifted, but I want to know if anyone else has had a child who screamed through and tried to get away from their first swimming lesson.

Just before going in, my son (4.4) said he didn't want to go to the pool. I asked him why and he said that it wasn't safe.

We live on a river that runs fast and deep over six months of the year and since he was about 6 months old, I've shown him that river and told him that it was a river and it was not safe to go in it; that he doesn't come near it without mommy or daddy.

So looks like that instruction is coming back to bite me in the nether regions...*sigh*

Tomorrow is his second of eight lessons. I'm forcing him to go.

I was sweating like a stuck pig today trying to sit on my hands when he was screaming for me.