My ds has been in the pool at least a few times a year since infancy and loved it. However, he was always "in control" (i.e., playing on the steps with an inner tube around his waist). We sensed that he had some anxieties because he really resisted when we encouraged him to stretch his comfort zone.

At age 4, we put him in a beginning swimming class for 4 year olds. He clung to the side of the pool and refused to do anything. So at 5, I put him in the Mom/Tot swim class where I could get in the pool with him. In 3 feet of water, his shorts weren't even wet after 10 minutes. Why? He was climbing all over my head and shoulders, screaming at the top of his lungs, and grabbing everything (my hair, the straps holding up my suit, etc) in an full-blown panic. We went to the pool every day last summer, and there were several days that I expected us to get kicked out of class. (His screaming not only completely disrupted our class, but the classes at the other end of an outdoor Olympic-size pool.) It was awful! But we did make progress. The good news? We went to the pool this summer, and it's already sooo much better than last year. He's 6, and we're doing the Mom/Tot class again this summer (---ability grouping at its finest!:) ). My hope is that he will be ready for a group class without me by next summer.

There is hope! I think it takes logging lots and lots and lots of pool hours and continually but gently stretching his comfort zone, but it will be so worth it. My son overcoming his fear and having to work hard at something are life lessons that are absolutely invaluable.