Originally Posted by Lukemac
Because this thread is so hot... I will post this question to you all? How do you all differntiate between OG, MG, EG, and PG? there are so many different charts lurking out there...

I think just learning that different levels exist made a huge difference for me. When we started on this path of wonderment, trying to figure out how best to educate our wee child, I didn't know much about gifted. And I was even in gifted programs as a child, but I somehow forgot about that. I had no clues that there were different flavors of gifted, or that the needs of one GT kid might differ from the needs of another. I think a GT child can be any one of the different labels of GT at different times and in different areas. The thing that makes a difference to me is that the different levels/different needs exist. Once I wrapped my mind around that, my goal switched to convincing teachers that these differences exist.