Nice summation, Grinity smile. I like it and, by your definition, my dd12 fits nicely into the HG category, where I'd consider her to be:

Originally Posted by Grinity
HG is such that even with good pull out programs and differentiation in the classroom, or a single gradeskip, the child will still feel that school is dull, and that the other kids, even in the gifted program, are incomprehensibly stupid. A single gradeskip Plus pull-outs, plus differentiation might work nicely, or suject acceleration might be needed on top of that - depending how 'across the board' the kid is.
A combo of being young for grade due to bd, a single grade skip, in class differentiation by motivated teachers, and accelerated/GT classes for math and literacy has been a reasonable solution for her. I don't think she's ever been totally challenged in her stronger areas, but it works well enough and the quantity is enough that I can't imagine skipping her further if it would mean more homework than she already has (which is a lot!).