Hi Amanda,

Oh how I empathize with the puzzle you are trying to solve. It is very difficult to unravel giftedness from other possible explanations.

The play scene you described with baby Jesus sounds very familar. My DD4 will fixate on certain characters and needs storylines to be very specific, sometimes following a book's storyline. She can make leaps and change things, but she can do the same story again and again and I have flat out told her I cannot keep doing the same thing and sadly, no other child is going to share the same interest for as long as she does. This issue arises during playdates. We have begun an evaluation, and she has had one appointment so far which specifically was looking at Aspergers signs and so far, the psych said she saw "many good things" which was vague, but encouraging.

Her behavior can look like ADHD too, but sensory issues can create over-stimulated behavior. She CAN focus, but she is very silly and almost too happy if that makes any sense. She often seems more UP than most kids. She is never down or mopey for any extended period.

There are some differences between our girls, but a number of things sound similar so I will keep you updated on what we are finding out. As I said before, my DD does go to OT and I think it has been very helpful for her.

Best of luck to you.