Yeah, I would just really like to Get her. I totally worry about the misdiagnosis thing, I feel it happened with me as a child. I was identified as HG+ and later with anxiety, depression, OCD...and now that I have started to read, Aspergers fit me to a T then and still does. It just wasn't diagnosed hardly at all then. Anyway, I have been trying to understand her since she was an infant. She had a favorite song by 2 months, that she remembers to this day that it made her feel better even though we have never told her that. She was always ON even though she was a premie. I remember at 5 months reading a book about Spirited kids, trying to understand why she never slept, was always on, and was nothing like any of the children we knew and why none of the parenting advice from other mom's and from books never worked for her.

About the travel limitations, we are on an island in the Aleutian Chain in the middle of the Bering Sea. The only way off is plane, and well it is $1000 a person just to get to Anchorage, so travel right now is very limited option. We are going to Louisiana to see my mom this spring though. Before we moved from PA to her, DD was identified by a Developmental Pediatrician as PG, who recommended homeschooling at the time if we stayed in that district and said to prepare for college level material by the age of 10 or so, and we had some testing done with an education specialist who spesialized in gifted kids. So we currently know Verbal IQ, but because of her age have not had her fully assessed. We also know she ceilinged out on the PPVT and at age 3.2 had a verbal receptive age equivilent of 10 years 11 months.

I guess a lot of my concerns stem from her actions and I have no way of knowing what is normal and not...what is just a quirk and what is something more. She uses these made up words and phrases, well typically they are not made up but from obscure phrases in a movie or a TV show (and she only gets about 30 mins of TV a day) but for example, she uses terms like goozymahokas (which apparently she states Candance says on one episode of Phineus and Ferb)and many many other phrase, but they are completely out of context.... and she will just say DUCK randomly when she is uncomfortable with the situation or if someone is talking to her in public and she is uncomfortable. So all of that with the rigid rigid ridgidness she insists on for everything, and the way she yells at others when they don't do things exactly right, especially in her play, and the fact that she plans whole senarios in her head and gets extreamly distraught by them (which I did to) worries me. For example, tonight, well she was in the childcare at the PCR while I was in my knitting group, and when I went to get her, one of the ladies in knitting gave her a piece of chocolate, and asked DD if she wanted her to open it. So DD handed it to her, but then it dropped on the floor when dd was playing and she had a HUGE meltdown about it being open and that she never wanted it opened in the first place, and that she wanted to eat it at home not there. When I finally calmed her down and left, it started right back in the car, but this time it was about the fact that
Dad will never believe me when I tell him the shape. He will never belive it was a christmas tree now, and I can't draw it cause I wont be able to draw the humps, and if I tell dad he will think a christmas tree with balls on it, and he won't believe me. And it is the truth and her wont believe me and I never wanted it opened in the firts place, and now Dad wont believe me!" Oh my it went on for the entire car ride home no matter what I said. She awfulized and awfulized.

Anyway, I love her, love the way she thinks as it always surprises me LOL, I just don't want her to have as many problems as I did growing up because the issues were never found out until I was much older. Thanks for all the advice

Last edited by amazedmom; 01/11/11 11:52 PM. Reason: clarity :)

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.