Wait... stop the train... We were told (by SLP) there's no possibility that DS has aspergers b/c his immaginative play is on target. Ansley is the one who gets frustrated b/c she's way into complex imaginative play, isn't she?

We're wondering a bit about sensory integration stuff, which is still kinda spectrummy, but not the same. Treatment for that seems to be hugs and cuddles, and answering questions using adjectives. So I've started doing that a bit more consiously with DS. It's can't HURT, can it -- extra cuddles and yummy adjectives wink (DS doesn't do eye contact quite normally, and has started showing wierd reactions to sounds, and sometimes squinting or covering his eyes -- it's very cute. He sees/hears dogs at about a 1km radius. I can only tell he really heard it because when we meet the dog later, I recognise the bark)

(I found out recently I really did meet the autism criteria, not aspergers when I was (mis)diagnosed, and DH is aspie, so... we were concerned, even when DS was just a splat on my uterine wall)


I really do like the chance to chat on here... It's nice to think things through fron a different, and less naval-gazing perspective. Ppl here actaully worry about some of the same stuff as me. Wierd.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!