Did you mention in another post that your hubby is away at work for a week? Mine has just started a new job in the oilfield where he's gone for one week every other week. Last time my 3 year old was nervous. This week he's pushing boundries and pulling heartstrings. He called his dad and woke him up and said, you have a bed here. Why aren't you sleePing in it. He knows his dad's at work. He has a calendar and he's watching it. He told Wella on the phone his dad would be back in 3 days, even though we forgot to mark a box today so there were 4 empty boxes.

I'm not sure about Aspbergers but I think it's similar enough to pg to be misdiagnosed. There's also the chance of the dual diagnosis. Where does quirky end? No, really. Is there an end to it? I'm working out the obedience aspect of listening with my pre-schooler. I just started the classic mom's "oh yeah, if you were listening then what did I say?". "hhff, then go do it.". I just the other day read on this very forum the actual steps of listening:
Look at my face when I'm telling you what to do.
Do what I told you to do.
Come tell me what you just did that I told you to do.
I told the boy we'll be practicing this. He doesn't want to. Plus he wants to tell me what to do. Tsk.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar