Originally Posted by amazedmom
There is a chance of having her evaluated her. My teacher friend said the psych for the school district is comming end of Jan. She is talking to the couselor and sped teacher tomorrow to see if we can get Ansley eval by them even though she is not in the school system. OUr choice right now since they do offer preschool, but its not a good fit. It is an academic based where they seperate 3 and 4, and the 4's are just learning letters, and the 3's learn colors and shapes. DD asked not to go after observing. She would much rather spend the day doing 2nd grade math, and reading chapter books, and 3rd grade science. So I don't know if they have to eval or not. Hopefully I will know something tomorrow either way.

It seems like it would be in the school's best interest to get an idea of how they could help your dd now for planning purposes even though she is not "old" enough.

No matter what her dx could be, if any, I wonder if OT would help. It certainly gives kids the chance to play in a safe environment. Something like the How Does Your Engine Run program could help regulate her energy levels. There is a book available on Amazon called Take Five that uses the HDYER ideas which I found helpful when we were doing supplemental OT at home last summer.

Modulated listening therapy seems to help with eye contact and regulation issues. It needs to be overseen by an OT, but the therapy is done at home. Maybe there would be a way to have the school district set you up with long distance OT and meet over Skype and oversee some programs like this which are helpful for broad populations of kids.

Warning: sleep deprived