I realize that's an odd subject title, but it's the best I could come up with. I post on some gifted discussion boards other than this one at times. I do realize that I make typos, misspell things, and am generally not perfect in my presentation.

However, I do find myself questioning the veracity of the claims of some posters (again on other boards) who present their kids as HG+ or PG when the parent makes regular errors in writing. Things such as "rediculous" and tons of other misspellings that are not likely due to typos, grammatical errors such as "me and him have...," misuse of homophones ("there" used over and over for "they're"), etc.

Am I the only one? I am feeling judgemental and realizing that I shouldn't be so quick to judge in that I probably live in a glass house myself.

FWIW, these aren't non-native English speakers. I'd be a lot more generous in that instance.