Originally Posted by JenSMP
Do you really think that we might need more than a week for the medication to "balance out"? I am going in to observe later this week. I want to see the "severe emotionality" for myself.

Now that I hear what the school is saying, and that you have 'doctor supervision' I'm totally comfortable. Without those other pieces of information, I was worried that perfectionism, overfocus and isolation were having their way with you. As a group we tend to be vulnerable to those forces.

It did take a few weeks for my son's 'twichiness' and emotions to balance out. It bothered him slightly for 3 weeks and then totally dissapeared. It took us 4 different medications, each slowly being bumped up to the right dose a week at a time - so when I talk about second guessing myself, I speak from experience.

My prayers are with you and your family that you find the 'happy medium' soon.

Love and More Love,

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