Yes, we are also working on controlling the outbursts. The thing is, the outbursts are the least of our concerns. They are inappropriate to say the least, but they are not frequent. It's the inattention (even more than the hyperactivity, although he has both) that is so debilitating for our son. Even when he's allowed to move around during a lesson or while doing schoolwork, he's not able to focus long enough to complete tasks. He can't even eat a meal without being up at least 15 times with frequent reminders to come back to the table and eat. When he takes a shower or gets dressed, he simply cannot follow through without reminders, even with visual cues, charts, etc. It's affecting his self esteem, and he wonders what is wrong with him. I wish we could manage without the meds, but we've tried all the behavior mod techniques and home/school interventions. They help, but at this point it's not enough. His inattention is getting worse instead of better. We've had the same problems for years, and feel that the medication is a necessary next step. My goal, and our doctor's goal, is to eventually come off the meds. In the meantime, he needs to learn coping strategies.

He's much more emotional that usual, however on this medication. I can't help but attribute it to the Vyvanse. Hopefully it'll pass, but if not, we'll have to try something else. On a positive note, he ate lunch without any problem. He hasn't complained of appetite loss or stomach aches at all.

The strange thing about the meltdown today is that he seemed fearful and sad rather than angry and frustrated like usual. Again, I know it's the first day. I need to just see what happens over the next couple of days, but I've been so nervous about this. I just prayed and prayed that it would go smoothly.