I'm still holding, Ironmom. Thanks for asking.

I confess that I swing wildly between worrying a lot about it and thinking I'm making something out of nothing. So usually I fret like mad for a while, post something and get everyone worried for me, only to decide that I'm overreacting. Then I back off. It's utterly ridiculous. blush

For as hard as it has been to have an HG+ first child, having one who may be 2E, may be ND, may be VS, may be something else (etc., etc., etc....) is SO MUCH HARDER! At least with DS8, I was sure that something was up. With DS5, I simply don't have the courage of my (alleged) convictions. I don't know what's up--if anything!--or what to do about it. So I'm waiting for testing, and we have an appointment with the vision specialist again.

