I've been thinking some more about this:

Originally Posted by Dottie
DD never had handwriting problems, but I think since her "dyslexia" (it certainly falls under the dyslexia umbrella) is more auditory based than visually so, perhaps that's why. I read somewhere that dyslexia is both visual and auditory about 60% of the time, and just one or the other only 20% of the time. As with life, it all falls on a continuum too, just to complicate things, crazy .

Does anyone know of a way to tease this apart? I know nothing about this aspect of dyslexia.

I can think of ways in which DS4 might have auditory processing issues--freezes up if given too many oral directions, the rhyming problem, etc.--but I can also see that he might have a visual problem--not looking at books, writing backwards, etc.

Any helpful hints about figuring out which form he might be dealing with? This thread (and everyone who has posted!) has already been so helpful, I'm pushing my luck and asking for more! wink
