Hi Kriston, no great advice here, just sympathy for the confusing 'trying to figure it out' time you are having. We are sort of in the same boat with ds8, all school grades, etc. look ok, most testing results are very confusing, my gut says he is gt + something else, and as I posted in another thread the developmental pediatrician was *almost* no help. crazy
I am going to post to another thread my current woes, and some test results, but want to at least say, 'hang in there!'. smile
I am glad you are checking this out for your ds, it is too bad it will likely be at least a little difficult because he is so young and not supposed to be concerned with such things as reading and writing - but he *is* reading and writing, so maybe you can start with that as a point in which to draw a line in the sand...and from there, look at how long it 'normally' takes to get to less frequent letter reversals, etc., for most kids.

(I am getting used to the 'crazy lady' feeling, so maybe you will too)
smile smile