hey kriston..... I am dyslexic, actually, graphlexic... I can't write, hand to paper it looks like alphabet soup. Thank god for computers! lol

Because I am an artist I have met a lot other dyslexics (apparently we dominate the field...lol) Unfortunately, each persons dyslexia manifests differently. So It hard to get straight answers.

I saw that someone mentioned something about the brain, larger right side. I know in my case the language centers in both lobes of my brain are the same size. Also I am ambidextrous. When I was a kid I would mirror write. Also I spoke backward and had trouble understanding what was being said to me very often.

I have heard this from a bunch of my dyslexic friends, we all had inconsistency with IQ tests. One would say genius, the next would say Developmentally Disabled. Most of these people grew to be pretty normal as adults, and did great in college. (As normal as artist get....lol)

One other thing, me and every one of my friends had server headaches that started when we became teenagers. If he does have it it's something to be mindful of.

I hope this helps in some way.