The guy we're seeing is the only one listed on for 50 miles. That's where I found him. He is THE guy in our area, no question. I've asked around locally.

We do have a plan in place: we're giving the glasses a chance first, then we're to return to the DO this spring for re-examination and possible visual therapy. Given that DS is only 4yo, I am perfectly okay with that approach. It seemed wise to me (and to the DO!) to see if the problem might correct itself given a couple of months with glasses rather than diving into expensive and potentially unnecessary therapy. After all, we don't really even know if the problem is visual yet. (Or if there's a problem at all, for that matter...) Since we're starting early, we can afford to move more gradually than we could if he were 6 or 7yo.

I don't feel the need for a second opinion yet. And the optometrist did say more to me about the vision problems, showing me examples of the problems from the tests and so on. I just didn't go into that sort of depth here.

Thanks for your concern. I really appreciate it! smile But I'm happy to be moving slowly right now. I think our DO is being responsible.

Baby steps! One benefit of starting early! wink
