www.covd.org is a good place to find a neurodevelopmental optometrist. I can tell you that we took dd7 to two before we found one that not only gave a diagnosis BUT was able to demonstrate the findings with dd and with computerized read outs.

"visual immaturity" seem ambiguous to me. What exactly is "immature"? convergence? Focus? tracking? I would suggest taking a look at the website and then finding a second opinion. My dd has been in therapy for 3 weeks and I am seeing results already!

I don't mean to sound like an expert, but I know that we have tried every "expert" from Audiologist to psychologist to counselors, OT and PT. Finally we feel like we are on the right road with the right "expert" leading the way!

DD7 will also be receiving OT and PT to augment Vision Therapy as well.

Good Luck!