Yes, he has been formally diagnosed with chronic motor tics. They run in the family. Yes, learning patty cake took him years. The doctor felt that his praxia/motor planning area was so strong plus the family history of tics, he put him into the tics category. I said, "What about ASD?" He said, "No. Don't worry about ASD. That's not what it is." I would have loved for him to take the time to explain further but time was a tickin'!

More about his empathy. He does always know what's bothering his baby brother, even when I don't. I'll say, "Why's he whining?" and DS will say, "He's hungry. He needs a diaper change. He wants you to bounce him." and he's always right even when my guess isn't. I guess if anyone here is ASD, it's me! LOL. He's not very verbal, though. He's kind of the rugged cowboy type. It's all about facial expressions and actions that speak louder than words. He's been that way since he was a baby. I may be wrong but I view it as a masculine trait. You know how men can stand around and not talk and feel as if it's a bonding experience? He's got that same proud stoicism. I hope I'm not gushing.