LOL Kriston. The hs chapter in our area just did a survey on "free" counter/center island space. The results were that the average family had 47% of free space on their counter (out of 37 families). So we are not alone.

Giftedticcyhyper- My son has always been sensitive to sounds especially (busy crowded areas, museums, malls, family get togethers,etc). I just figured he'd grow out of it. He tends to get the "flight" response. When he started getting the whole "restless, fidgety" labels, I knew something was going on. He can be sitting on the couch reading a book and if I turn on the vacuum, he will shoot up like he is on fire and run out the door. He used to run away when his baby sister would start crying. Stuff like that. He is my first so I had no idea other kids didn't do it. There were a few other quirks I checked off in "The Out-of-Sync Child" by Carol Stock Kranowitz,M.A. I also saw a lot of things in "The Mislabeled Child" by Drs Eide. HTH