I agree with you 100% giftedticcyhyper. I heard from the OT we are working with that 1st grade now is like preS was for us as far as expectations. So in K for example the kids are expected to sit for the same amount of time as we were in 2nd grade 20-30 years ago yet the curriculum is often lower than when we were there. (just an opinion from the OT) that is her perspective on why so many sensory defensive kids are having a hard time today (they have not had enough time to develop coping strategies for the amount of expectations). I hope I didn't just open a can of worms. My son made so many comments about the work being for babies. I think that is why he started acting more immature.

We are concentrating on "wrapping", "brushing" and organized movements. For example when DS decides to turn the couch into a trampoline, I have him do an obstacle course 3 times. He has to concentrate on specific actions (3 hops, 2 spins, 2 summer saults, 5 jumps done for 3 rounds). This has been very effective. The wrapping is really fun too. We roll him up and gently spread ketchup on him, mustard and pickles to make a hot dog. This is done by applying gentle pressure working from top to bottom. He loves it! It won't last but is working today. laugh HTH

I plan on trying your coconut milk thing. Just got the acidolophus (sp?) Another mom also told me to look into homeopathy.