Wow,thanks for the info. I will definitely try the interview thing. And I will watch the eye contact with others more closely and the tone of conversations--the back and forth give.

I am very perplexed right now. DS11 has an official diagnosis (at 6) but several things lately have made me begin to question this diagnosis.

First of all, I read the Deborah Ruf Losing Our Minds book and totally saw my DS in the overexcitabilities and quirky traits of the highly gifted. It rang so true, more so than any of the Aspberger's books I've read. I just kept thinking, this is SO my DS.

I also read the Webb book on Misdiagnois. And, when I finally decided to homeschool DS11 (he was very unhappy in our public school)so many of the explosive, inflexible, uncooperative behaviors disappeared. He still has difficulty sitting still, transitions can be challenging and he has sensitivities, but these are minimal compared to the challenges we were having in the classroom and due to his extreme resistance to school.

It is such a dramatic difference that I'm really questioning the initial diagnosis. His existing behaviors can be explained away as SPD, or giftedness or even being a boy. Many of the behaviors that presented as an infant to 6 year old aren't even an issue anymore. Can you grow out of Aspberger's? Do you just learn to deal with the challenges as you age?

Anyhow, thanks everyone for the input. I didn't mean to hijack. This post just really interested me because I also wondered how SPD might effect DS's WISCIV scores and there seem to be a few of you who are particularly knowledgeable on this subject.

Thanks smile