Yep, we're trying homeschooling. Monday will be the first day he's officially missing school. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm scared Child Protective Services is going to show up and find me with oatmeal in my hair, diaper rash on my baby's bottom and a three measly math workbooks. I'm still gathering information and deciding how to organize this endeavor.

As far as hs goes, I'm sort of crunchy and I want to support his interests more than focus on discipline. Maybe it's because he/we've been through so much already in terms of anxiety, doctors and schools that I just want to take it down a notch and give him an opportunity to be happy and remember what learning is all about. He's starting to come around again and ask lots of good questions and he's becoming very articulate about the precise points that he needs to have explained again. I'm slowly increasing his workload and giving him lots of encouragement. It's as if his inability to tolerate sensory info has caused him generalized anxiety which extends to insecurity even about his areas of competence. Poor guy. At what point did you notice the sensory defensiveness? How do his symptoms present?