Oh Cathy, I can relate to the food allergy isolation. DS had a peanut allergy (which he outgrew at about 7). I found I could not trust people to actually know or answer honestly about what was in the food they were serving. There was the mom who said there were no peanuts in the cookies when there *was* peanut butter. There was the flight attendant who thought DS would be fine with potato chips (fried in peanut oil), there was the Sunday school teacher who said that chocolate candy (with peanuts) wouldn't hurt him because there wasn't much. DS would ask, but he soon learned he couldn't trust adults. This is the only time I have been glad for DS's hypersensitivies. He could smell the peanuts a mile away. He smelled everything before he ate it. That combined with the fact he could read "peanut" from the time he was 2 1/2 meant he was able to check the adults who were trying to pull a fast one on him