Originally Posted by traceyqns
Yesterday he came home and told me I would have to order the 4th grade phonics book since the teacher told him she would not order it since he is going through the books too fast. I was just so sad hearing this, just makes me want to cry.

Ok, that is totally pathetic! Order the 4th grade phonics book and explain what a 'backhanded compliment' is and take the position (no matter how difficult that is) that she is actually impressed with him and pleased, but expressing it weirdly. Vent here about how sad it is, but don't let on to DS or you'll convinse him he's a 'poor me.' ((Read Sylvia Rimm for more on this.))

I didn't mean that ALL small private schools are bad socially. I meant that some (like maybe your current one) are. If there are only 3 other kids at the school, but they are great kids who have fun together then it's 'enough' - right? I lot of this depends on the teacher to validate each child and set the right tone....

OK, so I have a question -
Does your current Montessori have an older classroom? Or is his group the oldest?

I think that the most important thing to do right now is to keep reading and keep posting and get used to the idea that your son is normal 'for him' and deserves a situation that is good for him socially and academically. You can do this! It will take a while.

Love and More LOve,

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