
I was skipped three times in three different districts.

I was crushed when I was put back in with my age peers when we moved.

The bullying will probably occur no matter what with his age peers because he is so different. I used to carry around my books and the teasing was merciless. Can you imagine being in 7th grade and a new kid in the school and carrying around, "The Physics of Telescope Mirror Design?" or going to the library to read reference books during lunch because that is all you have to read to stimulate your mind? I had less of it when I was skipped.

When skipping is presented to kids, as it was to me, as a curriculum decision - the issue was, "Do you want to read an adult book every day or a child's book?" and "Do you want to do Algebra or 2 digit multiplication? and "Do you want to learn Physics or do recess?" and "Do you like 4th grade math or 6th grade math" ( after a pullout) - its an easy choice.