Originally Posted by mamaandmore
My DD is 29mo now and in the last few months it's been the same thing- she's made these intangible leaps. I'm not sure what "normal" is at this age, but her imaginative play has also taken off and she mostly just needs an explanation to get her to do something she doesn't want to- as opposed to the tantrums she was having when thwarted. But, really, it's not so much the things she does as the things she suddenly understands and the questions she asks. She's been on this kick where she's really interested in what can live in water and what can't, constant questions about can people live in water, can our dog live in water, etc. (Yesterday she got mad at DS4 and DS7 and yelled "Brothers, you *both* live underwater!" like it was an insult, lol). She asked why we can't see the moon and stars when the sun is out and then was fascinated that our sun was a star too. Weird, crazy, questions that I've never had a 2yo ask me before. I'm sure they're common around here, but the boys never asked things like that at 2. And she gets this look in her eyes when I'm talking to her sometimes that just completely freaks me out, it's like she just *understands* things in ways I can't even begin to fathom.

Mama: Thank you for the above. So it isn't just me. LOL I still find myself trying not to get into detail with DD but she just gets it and asks probing questions that makes it clear she understands it. She too is fascinated with the heavens. Yesterday it was cloudy so she went on and on about how the sun was behind the clouds but it isn't night time and at night she goes on and on about the moon and the stars. I really want to get a telescope but I keep saying she is only 2.