Kriston, he is probably secretly Irish (if not out and out irish smile

I was wondering the same about that 'I spy' ability to find things, I figure it's got to help with puzzling...actually dd is very quick with that as well.

This is pretty far 'ot', but I was reminded of this odd story: my PG brother was working on a fishing boat post college, pre grad school and was working nets with some other men in low light. He was doing fine, so someone asked how long he'd been doing it and he responded just a few days. Then out of the blue they asked if he was color blind. He was kind of floored. He is color blind but usually it's not at all obvious to other people. The co-worker said he'd known one other person really who just took to bringing in the nets in low light, also color blind. Seems they just had better vision for that particular task under those conditions than most other folks. Really interesting to me. Never thought color blindness had any benefits, but I guess a lot of 'differences' have their up-sides! smile
I suppose his gtness probably didn't hurt either in finding efficiencies not obvious to others. <--- maybe that *is* on topic.