My DS5 enjoys puzzles but is not an avid puzzler. In part I think I didn't expose him to puzzles all that often b/c I'm not wild about puzzles myself. It is funny though about trying to teach approaches to puzzling. I definitely encourage DS to "sort" his puzzles, finding corners, edges, parts of the picture, etc. I should probably just leave him alone!

It's funny too b/c when he was tested recently the psychologist said he did something she's never seen a child do before. During the puzzles section on the WPPSI, when he got to the last puzzle, he was moving pieces around. After a minute, he got frustrated and just flipped all the pieces over to the white side with no picture, then quickly put the puzzle together and flipped it back over, all in one piece. She was really suprised, since she'd never seen a child do that before and she said she was also surprised that it worked! I guess there are all kinds of ways to do a puzzle!

DS5 does LOVE, LOVE Legos, which I suppose are kind of a 3D puzzle.