I wonder if this is like my DS7's crazy ability to spot 4-leafed clovers, BBDad.

The kid collected something like 75 (?) 4- and even 5-leaf clovers one year a couple of years ago. We have them pressed in our dictionary. I don't know how he did it. It's not that our yard has any more of them than anywhere else. Several times he and I looked at the same spot of clover starting at the same moment, and within seconds, he's spotted one and I have not. Sometimes he'd spot 2 or 3 and I still wouldn't have seen one. Same patch of clover.

It's a weird talent, but it clearly is a talent!

I asked my son how he was able to do this, and he couldn't tell me. It just seemed to be part of the package with him. I don't know if he can still do it. He wasn't as into it this past summer, and I never asked him to look. But it was sure uncanny at the time!
