Oh I hated, hated, hated, puzzles when I was a kid! Everyone was always trying to get me to do puzzles, but I just did not have the patience for it. It is funny because DD loves puzzles. I will do them now with her, but I still loose interest before her.

DD started doing the wooden knob puzzles as a baby and before we knew it she was doing real puzzles. I thought it was so amazing to watch her. She just takes a random piece puts it down and gets another. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to how she dose it.

It is interesting when she was under two she would do them upside down. It did not seem to matter which way they were facing. Also now she will do like 10, 100 or 200 piece puzzles in a row, but will very rarely do the 1000-1500 piece puzzles unless there is a group of us working on it and it is something with princesses or castles.

She fills our kitchen with large floor puzzles and our table with little puzzles. She always wants me to take pictures of her puzzles before I can take them apart. I found myself sweeping the puzzles the other day because they were covering the floor for like 3 days, and I thought this is just odd. If anyone stopped by, blush I would just say she really likes puzzles.

If you really want her to do them, have the adults do a really cool one and if she joins in great. My husbands family really turned me onto puzzles over the years.