You know, I almost piped in when I read Mamabear's comment that Shelly is commenting on.

Logically, it's a fallacious argument: Argument by selective observation. However, it does evoke a stong emotion, I think.

I was an HG child who had those symptons and was unfairly labelled, misdiagnosed and wrongly medicated.

My DH was an HG child who did have ADD inattentive, but was never diagnosed and had many difficulties growing up. He was diagnosed as an adult and couldn't imagine his life without medication.

It is a very hard decision to make when considering having your child take a chemical that interferes with brain chemistry(whether you think that is positive or negative). It's also a very private decision that only the parents have a right to make and I don't think anyone else really gets an opinion one way or the other.

A lot of ADD symtoms are executive function and research tells us that the frontal lobe is not fully developed until a person is in their 20's! So how is a parent supposed to know if a child will "grow" into their "impulsiveness" or not, especially taking into consideration the asynchronistic development a lot of our children seem to experience.

Mama, I know the comment wasn't meant to be inflammatory, however, I just felt I should comment. I've made comments myself that I thought were fine, only to have a very unexpected reaction from others that I wasn't trying to provoke!