Yes, BTDT with DD7. We found the right optometrist at . We did the testing when dd was about 6, just a couple months after having seen a pediatric opthamologist who had found no problems. (The testing that the behavioral optometrist will do is different from a regular checkup.) DD did 6 months of vision therapy (weekly therapy sessions plus daily vision homework). She can see better than I can now smile And, she showed dramatic improvement with her reading during that time.

An interesting note - we did a few weeks of vision therapy before starting OT with listening therapy for sensory processing disorder (ocular motor problems can be one manifestation of SPD; dd had others too). When we started vision therapy, it was really difficult for dd. The vision homework sessions were agony for both of us. Then we did the short, intensive program of OT, and because of the schedule (OT 3x per week) we put the vision therapy on hold until OT was finished three months later. When we went back to vision therapy, the vision exercises were so much easier for dd to do, and the vision therapist was shocked at the improvement from the OT. The funny thing was that the OT had told me that it would help with the vision, but I wasn't holding my breath. After the OT, dd then breezed through the remaining 20 weeks of vision therapy. Bottom line for dd was that she needed both OT and vision therapy, in that order (her other SPD issues were proprioceptive and vestibular).

Vision therapy involved sacrifice - it's costly and hard work - but for us it was well worth it. Good luck!
