We met w/the dr Tuesday & she confirmed that her actual eyesight is fine. So she agreed w/our 2 eye dr checks in 2007. However, she recommends further testing due to some processing issues. She would say A if a V was shown, s for z type stuff. She mentioned something about her eyes focusing a lot during the tests. We have 2 appts for 1 hr tests each, then she'll sit down & have some answers after that.

I did wonder a little how many they say are fine w/no further testing needed but I also strongly believe there is something else going on w/DD8.

We've always said she is just set on a different speed than the rest of us. I think she had some sensory issues as a toddler that I never knew to address, numerous ear infections, tiny neat handwriting & mixes up words that are similar in meaning but totally different spellings when she reads.