I also think that if you are talking about a system revision, you have to look at the flip side of the coin too. I realize that this is a forum for GT kids, but we should not forget children who are average or lower. It is not as easy to get services for "lower than average" kids either.

I spent my career working with these kids and to get them the services they need is just as difficult. Most often they get what is considered a "minimum to get by". I had to sit in meetings and state for the record that some of these kids could do well without my particular service, simply because the service was just not available at the particular school. Had I not done that, the child would be hard pressed to get any services at all.

The entire educational system needs revision, based on the reality that ALL kids are individuals and they can not be put in boxes as they are now. Even among HG kids, no two are alike in their learning style, their interest and their capacity to learn in any one given clssroom.

I think that is why we continue to have the same arguments over and over with those who educate our children. There are too many variables that can not be addressed in the current system and I am wondering if there is a model that would work globally for all children?

Perhaps that is what the advocates (here and everywhere) need to develop? Should every child get the testing that we pay loads of money to get privately? Then, each child has a written score for placement...but what about the kids who are not good test takers?

Many variables to wrap your head around. Especially when you come from a situation like I did, where there was one school, one ciriculum, you sank or you swam. I am glad that there are options for my children and perhaps the questioning will bring a better tomorrow for the next generation.