Not to speak for her, but I don't think Val thinks private schools are a Mecca. I KNOW I don't!

I generally agree with your post, Mamabear. But I also think that the education system could be doing more for our kids. Small victories will tend to remain pretty small, pretty local, if we don't start thinking bigger.

Ever notice how we all seem to be fighting the same fights over and over all around the country? Well, wouldn't it be nice if systemic reforms solved some/many of those common problems in one fell swoop? Why do we all have to fight the same skirmishes? Maybe what we need is a big war to make a real change.

IMHO, I think we parents of GT kids tend to think too small. Obviously my kids are my first priority, as it must be. But I think we have to start thinking systemically instead of merely individually if we want to make any sort of lasting improvements in the education that GT kids in the U.S. receive.

As I told a couple of friends here in a PM, put a fancy bow on nothing and you've still got nothing. I think most of our schools offer--at best!--fancy bows. I think we tend to get very wrapped up in worrying about the bows and acquiring the bows and arranging the bows. But underneath? Nada.

I want more from our education system.

Where's the beef?!

(My new battle cry!) wink
